Cómo Te Atreves – Song Review

Hello everyone!

This time I decided to take on a new challenge and write about a Spanish song. I will do the honors with the one called Cómo Te Atreves, a song that is part of the first album of Columbian band Morat, “Sobre El Amor y Sus efectos Secundarios“. The song hit the charts after the band sang one of their first songs with Paulina Rubio (I will tell you about it in some other article).

The song, who is close to both pop and rock, focuses on the idea of a break up. The plot talks about a girl who decides to leave the boy without notice, and disappearing all of a sudden. She gets back after four years without saying a single word and tries to act as if nothing had happened:

Cuatro años sin mirarte
Tres postales y un bolero
Dos meses y me olvidaste
Y ni siquiera me pensaste un 29 de febrero

After all this time, he still loves her but he no longer accepts going back to her. He reproaches her that she left without notice and that she has no right to come back after all this time and revive the ashes of the past and ask for her “rights”. He tells her that he was feeling good alone.

Cómo te atreves a volver
A darle vida a lo que estaba muerto
La soledad me había tratado bien
Y no eres quien para exigir derechos

Cómo te atreves a volver
Y a tus cenizas convertir en fuego
Hoy mis mentiras veo caer
Que no es verdad que te olvidé
Cómo te atreves a volver

He admits that after she left him, he was very hurt. He learned how to loose and that his heart no longer beats. But although he had suffered so much, he is still alive. He keeps going and does not give up hope that one day he will find another love to mend his wounds.

The song is part of the first released album of the band, after they moved to Spain to follow their dream and make music. Rumor has it that it is inspired after the story of J.P. Isaza, the guitarist of the band, but they might as well as be only Wattpad rumors based on the imagination of some devoted teenager fan. But whatever the story behind it is, we only can admit that the beat is catchy and that you fall in love with it pretty quickly.

An interesting fact about the song video, it was made to reproduce the plot in The Southern Highway, a short novel written by Argentinian clasic, Julio Cortazar. Why do they chose this plot? I don’t know. Maybe because they are fans of Julio Cortazar, maybe because the highway is the connection between home and not home. The boy who got dumped would like to go after he, search her, but he is in the middle of the highway, not knowing where he is going. So he is trapped between going back and going further, not being able to decide, just as the people in The Southern Highway are trapped between starting point and destination. The crowded highway might be a reference to his mind, suggesting that he has so many thoughts that he can no longer think logically and keep going. But the fact that the cars are still moving tells us that although he is hurt, he keeps going, he is still alive and willing to go on, exactly like in the lyrics:

Cómo te atreves a volver
Me hiciste daño pero sigo vivo
Contigo yo me acostumbré a perder
Mi corazón funciona sin latidos

The song is as simple as it is beautiful. The lyrics are understandable, no metaphors, no hidden meanings. It is just a classic story of a boy and a girl that is transposed into a nice song, one that is among my favorite ones from Morat. Maybe that is why conquered the hearts of the public so quickly, now being one of their most popular running songs, being placed first in the top 50 Morat songs in top50songs.info.

The song was created for Morat, but it was also interpreted by Spanish singer Ana Guerra, or Ana War as it is it’s English translation which is sometimes used for referring her. Honestly, I like very much her voice, but I think this song is not at all suitable for her. It does not have at all the same vibe and impact as when it is sang by it’s original creators. But don’t believe me. Just try it for yourself. Which one do you like more?

Song lyrics – Spanish

Song lyrics – English

Ana Guerra singing Cómo te atrevessong
The original song by Morat

© picnicontheshelf, June 12, 2019


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