The most beautiful books of Romania – Award Ceremony

As I have told you in my previous article, this year, on the third of December was hosted the award ceremony for the most beautiful books in Romania. The seventh edition of the competition was hosted at Galateca Galery, and the winner designs will remain exhibited there until the ninth of December.

There were many participants, 150 to be more precise, but only a few got to the finals. These are the most beautiful books in Romania, the most inspired designers that we have. These were the ones that were awarded during the ceremony.

First of all there was the prize for collection design that was awarded to the Neighbourhood for Codobelc publishing house.

The prize for limited edition book design got to Remnants album by Doina Domenica Cojocaru-Thanasiadis.

There was also the prize for album design/art book awarded to The Book of Notebooks represented by Dan Perjovschi.

And of course it couldn’t have missed the prize for commic books design that was received this year by 2 barked meters.

The prize for large circulation books was awarded to Free received ideas dictionary.

As photography starts to dominate more and more the 21st century, it was awarded also the prize for fotography book to We are Invictus.

Children need also to have nice books, especially as they are  attracted by beautiful and attractive design. The most inspired contestants for this area were Randomly into the tram. The adventures of Anthony into the country of  Twisted Words.

The prize for the ilustrator was awarded to Old Farts.

And last but not least, there was the jury’s mention for independent book awarded to CONCAVE.

What it’s also worth mention is that the public also had the right to choose a winner. Coman Alexandru received a prize for the book State Journal/Public Journal and Adina Pașca, founder of “Performance and Culture Association”, received the award for the most active antreprenorial book design related initiative of 2018.

As I said before, the “Sheets” magazine was also launched this year. It is a new magazine of Romania and is dedicated to graphic design, to books and people behind them, to projects in Romania and abroad. “Sheets” is a magazine about people, about jobs, weather it is a designer, ilustrator or editor. The magazine brings also a project dedicated to promovating young graduators of art academies. The magazine is sold at “Carturesti” Libraries in Bucharest. 

The cover of the “Sheets” magazine

The books that got to the finals will be part of an exhibition in Romania and abroad and also will represent our country at the international book design competition, “Best Book Design from All Over the World”, taking place in Leipzig during 21-24th of March 2019. 

What caught my attention was the diversity of the contestants names. A delicious mix of funny and smart, the perfect definition for anything concerning literature. Word plays, stories references, children songs incorporated, they all were the final touch of this event that made it even more beautiful and interesting. And in the context of the first of December, the national day of Romania, these were matched perfectly into the celebration perfume that encircled our country during this period. 

If you haven’t had the oportunity to participate this year, you can always check on the news for the next year’s edition on their official site. Hopefuly we will see more and more participants as time passes. If you have questions, remarks, or just want to know more about this event, feel free to just ask a question in the comments below or just send me a private message. I will get to you as soon as possible.

© picnicontheshelf, December 4, 2018


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