Cristian Fulas

This article is about a Romanian author – Cristian Fulas.

He was born in Caracal on the 3rd of July 1978. He studied the arts school, Romanian-English specialization, and then got a master’s degree in “The theory of the literature”. During faculty, he published poems in the following magazines: “Poesis”, “Nord” (North), “Transilvania” etc.

He also published essays in “The notebooks of Lucian Blaga” and “The notebooks of Mihai Eminescu”. After that he retired from the literary world without any explanation. In 2012, he founded the “Gestalt Books” publishing house. In 2015, at 36, he launches with the novel “Fasii de rusine” (Strips of Shame), which won the Cultural observer prize for debut, the “Liviu Rebreanu” colloquia prize, Accente magazine prize, nominated for USR prizes for debut and to “Book of the year” prize of the Iasi newspaper. Fragments of the book were translated in French, Italian, German, English, Bulgarian, Croatian, Swedish and Hungarian. Also in 2015 he published the book “Jurnal de debutant” (Journal of a debutant) at the Tracus Arte publishing house. In 2016 he publishes the book “Dupa plans” (After the crying) at Max Blecher & Gestalt Books publishing house. The book was nominated to “Book of the year” prize of Iasi newspaper.

He translated approximately fifty titles from English, Italian and French like: “Christophe Bataille”, “The dream of Machiavelli”, “Mathias Enard”, “Speak to them about battles”, “Kings and elephants”, “Boussole” (in progress), “Jenny March”, “Classical myths”, “Alain Prost”, “The history of international relationships”, “Gianni Francesetti”, “Michela Gecele”, “Jan Roubal”, “Clinical applications of Gestalt psychotherapy”.

Cristian Fulaş is a collaborator at “Contemporanul” (The contemporary) and “Catavencu Academy”.

When asked what are the books he considered special, he mentioned the following:

  • Le livre des questions (The book of the questions) – Edmond Jabes
  • Ulysses – James Joyce
  • Caligula (former roman emperor between 37-41 ac) – Albert Camus
  • Diavolul și bunul Dumnezeu (The devil and the good Lord) – Jean Paul Sartre
  • Scriitura și diferența (The writing and the difference) – Jacques Derrida

In 2017 he read L’Ordre du jour by Éric Vuillard and Boussole by Mathias Enard.

“I don’t have much time to read, but I always manage to make some time for a book. Reading was my starting point for writing. Today, writing is pleasure for me, a reason to wake up in the morning and it means that my lectures are not for nothing. It means something else on the map of the world, a small point, microscopically, a CIP tape that contains me. It means the possibility to say something with sense, the possibility to speak coherent in a world where nobody listens to nobody and in which we babelise, go crazy, becoming sad and lonely because we know nobody listens.” (Cristian Fulas – 31st of March 2015).

When asked if he feels comfortable in the Romanian literary world, he said that he doesn’t. He feels as he is not at all in the literary world because he barely gets out in public and when he does, he doesn’t feel comfortable between unknown people which, as he said, it is absolutely normal. He feels better in the virtual world.

His wrote the following novels:

  • Fasii de rusine (Strips of shame) – launched on the 29th of May 2015 in Iasi;
  • Jurnal de debutant (Journal of a debutant)  – launched on the 6th of November 2015 in Sibiu;
  • Dupa plans (After the crying) – Launched on the 8th of April 2016 in Sibiu;
  • Cei frumosi si cei buni (The beautiful and the good) – Launched on the 18th of January in Bucharest.

Opinions about Cristian Fulas:

“Cristian Fulas is, I believe, one of the most gifted young prosers of the moment” – Bogdan Cretu

“Cristi Fulas does not pose when he writes. His experience is a correct one and makes a character to be authentic. Not to be counterfeit” – Cristina Musat

“I am convinced that at some point, after a time, we will talk inclusively about the prose of this author like of the prose of an author with operas” – Bianca Cernat


© picnicontheshelf, January 22, 2018

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